We are a collaboration between a company, Project Excelsior, a trust, Excelsior Development Trust and a non for profit social club, Excelsior Club. All are registered entities in Australia and can be found on relevant registration search sites.
Disclaimer: Please note that Excelsior Club is a separate registered not for profit entity. It doesn't own any shares in this company and we work in collaboration with this club, both as a sponsor and as a vetted affiliate towards a common goal.
Here in this section, you will find pages and information about our founder and our intended structure and team. Please note that access to these pages is for site members only and will require you to contact us first and fill out a application to view it.
Here on this page
All images courtesy of Wix unless otherwise specified.
About Us
We want to help people learn the very meaning of the word 'Excelsior', to move onwards and upwards with yourself and integrate the word into your very being, to become the best 'you', that you can be and be part of our community and be supported while doing that, and at the same time contribute back to society, to help make it better for all of us.
Project Excelsior is the culmination of one persons passion to create their dreams and we want to help you with yours too! We present ourselves as an avenue for all people of all walks of life to be able to achieve the same as our founder, to follow their dreams and be happy and passionate while doing it and also get paid for it, by providing you with a supportive, inclusive and positive culture that is unlike any other, to take part in building our projects together so we may also help you build yours, to have access to our assets and share in life changing experiences that you may not ordinarily get alone, to have access to a registered social club and take part in to give back to our community.
Our founder is an Australian business woman intent on building a core platform and several other projects along with it, in order to make this happen. So feel free to join our community and help yourself while you're at it, should you choose to. What we offer to our visitors is an opportunity to join our community and become part of it all, to be part of something where you can make yourself great! Join us to become part of the Project Excelsior community. Read below to know more about our mission and our vision and values. And if this sounds like the type of thing you want to be involved with, contact us for a chat and we can go from there!
Below copyrighted image is the property of Project Excelsior Pty Ltd, and cannot be used without permission.

The Mission
Our mission for humanity is to be its guiding light, to provide an open, supportive and inclusive community for people to be better, aim higher and go further for themselves, and evolve into the best version of themselves that they can be.

The Vision and Values
Our vision and values are based on the following word, FAITH;